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Aurora score-ialis

11 May 2024

Some people do bonsai, others pick up an instrument. I'd like to try my hand at building a personal website from the bottom up as a long-term project. At least a little bit each day, y'know? Maybe a film review here, a personal post there. I'm a very all-or-nothing soul and for once I'd like to try and moderate that.

Solar astronomers are eating well this year: on top of the eclipse last month, we've just been hit with an X5.9-class solar flare! Light pollution and weather conditions made it a little difficult to see last night, but a few astronomy students from my university were able to get some beautiful photos of the aurora. Forbes says that it's possible the aurora continue throughout the weekend, though, so I'm crossing my fingers I can find a spot to bike to tonight! If I can snap a good pic or two, I'll be sure to put it up here.

But here on the ground, it's the weekend leading into finals week. I've got four exams spaced throughout the week, and I can't really say that I'm really prepared for any of them. I plan on making full use of this weekend to catch up on my assignments, but otherwise, I don't see much point in stressing; I've made my bed with this one. I've been finding moderate success with the Pomodoro Technique, but I can't tell how much of that is attributable to the finality of the end of the semester. You can't really run too many trials when everything's a one-time deal, I guess. Boo, science.

I think that's all for now. I'll try to write again at the end of the weekend, before I get swamped with exams and moving.